F lower Essences is a form of natural therapy that uses the healing energy of plants to re-balance our body and mind in a gentle and quiet manner.
Flower essences was first developed by Edward Bach, an English homeopath, in the 1920s. Bach came from a holistic perspective and believed that everything that has an expression on the physical body is directly related to our psychological, emotional and spiritual states.
Bach also emphasized the importance of learning to take responsibility for one’s own health. He believed that illness stems from a conflict between the person’s soul purpose and the personality’s outlook, and is quoted to have said that the ultimate intention for using flower essences is to bring people closer to their inner divinity. He understood the flaw in western medicine, which only offered temporary relief of symptoms, and emphasized the importance of the removal of the root cause of illness for well-being. Flower essences supports this process of transformation in a gentle way. The reason why plants have such power is because they are a manifestation of the divine nature of the natural world.
The 38 different flower essences work to heal, at a subconscious level, a wide variety of dis-eases that arise from negative emotions in the human being. Their results are powerful, and yet, gentle and subtle. Everyone from an infant to a elderly person can use flower essences without any worry of contraindications. Even pets and plants can benefit from its application.
※Different from aromatherapy, which uses essential oils, flower essences work through the vibration of the plants infused in water, and therefore, have no smell.
フ ラワーエッセンスとは、植物の持つエネルギーにより、心理や肉体面に穏やかに働きかける自然療法のひとつです。